Prologue to The Juructer Mysteries

Madame Kavorian before Melody Pond aka River Song came for her in a copy of herself had collected a sample of both The Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness's DNA. Extrapolating the process of growth for a clone the kavorian chapter of the papal mainframe had then put the silence in charge of the maintenance of their apology project.
After River Song had gotten revenge on Madame Kavorian for what she had tried to make her do to her love she had got back to the library database.
The silence had encountered many things that tried to put a stop to this project but had succeeded in turning them away over the years.
In the year fifty one thousand twenty progress had been circumstantial in the creation of The Apology project. Then one day the clone of The Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness was ready for action but not ready to wake up.


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